Class ParsingNestedException

All Implemented Interfaces:

@NonNullByDefault public class ParsingNestedException extends Exception
This class extends the Exception class functionality with keeping additional information about reasons for exception during the parsing process.
Ana Dimova - Initial contribution
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ParsingNestedException

      public ParsingNestedException(int type, @Nullable String id, String msg, @Nullable Throwable t)
      Creates an exception based on exception thrown the parsing plus information about the type of the automation object, its UID and additional message with additional information about the parsing process.
      type - is the type of the automation object for parsing.
      id - is the UID of the automation object for parsing.
      msg - is the additional message with additional information about the parsing process.
      t - is the exception thrown during the parsing.
    • ParsingNestedException

      public ParsingNestedException(int type, @Nullable String id, @Nullable Throwable t)
      Creates an exception based on exception thrown during the parsing plus information about the type of the automation object and its UID.
      type - is the type of the automation object for parsing.
      id - is the UID of the automation object for parsing.
      t - is the exception thrown during the parsing.
  • Method Details