Interface PersistedItem

All Superinterfaces:

@NonNullByDefault public interface PersistedItem extends HistoricItem
This interface is used by persistence services to represent the full persisted state of an item, including the previous state, and last update and change timestamps. It can be used in restoring the full state of an item.
Mark Herwege - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • getLastStateChange

      @Nullable ZonedDateTime getLastStateChange()
      returns the timestamp of the last state change of the persisted item
      the timestamp of the last state change of the item
    • getLastStateChangeInstant

      default @Nullable Instant getLastStateChangeInstant()
      returns the timestamp of the last state change of the persisted item
      the timestamp of the last state change of the item
    • getLastState

      @Nullable State getLastState()
      returns the last state of the item
      the last state