Interface SddpDiscoveryParticipant

@NonNullByDefault public interface SddpDiscoveryParticipant
A SddpDiscoveryParticipant that is registered as a service is picked up by the SddpDiscoveryService and can thus contribute DiscoveryResults from SDDP scans.
Andrew Fiddian-Green - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedThingTypeUIDs

      Set<ThingTypeUID> getSupportedThingTypeUIDs()
      Defines the list of thing types that this participant can identify
      a set of thing type UIDs for which results can be created
    • createResult

      @Nullable DiscoveryResult createResult(SddpDevice device)
      Creates a discovery result for a SDDP device
      device - the SDDP device found on the network
      the according discovery result or null, if device is not supported by this participant
    • getThingUID

      @Nullable ThingUID getThingUID(SddpDevice device)
      Returns the thing UID for a SDDP device
      device - the SDDP device on the network
      a thing UID or null, if device is not supported by this participant