Interface Item

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CallItem, ColorItem, ContactItem, DateTimeItem, DimmerItem, GenericItem, GroupItem, ImageItem, LocationItem, NumberItem, PlayerItem, RollershutterItem, StringItem, SwitchItem

@NonNullByDefault public interface Item extends Identifiable<String>

This interface defines the core features of an openHAB item.

Item instances are used for all stateful services and are especially important for the ItemRegistry.

Kai Kreuzer - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • getState

      State getState()
      returns the current state of the item
      the current state
    • getStateAs

      <T extends State> @Nullable T getStateAs(Class<T> typeClass)
      returns the current state of the item as a specific type
      the current state in the requested type or null, if state cannot be provided as the requested type
    • getLastState

      @Nullable State getLastState()
      Returns the previous state of the item.
      the previous state of the item, or null if the item has never been changed.
    • getLastStateUpdate

      @Nullable ZonedDateTime getLastStateUpdate()
      Returns the time the item was last updated.
      the time the item was last updated, or null if the item has never been updated.
    • getLastStateChange

      @Nullable ZonedDateTime getLastStateChange()
      Returns the time the item was last changed.
      the time the item was last changed, or null if the item has never been changed.
    • getName

      String getName()
      returns the name of the item
      the name of the item
    • getType

      String getType()
      returns the item type as defined by ItemFactorys
      the item type
    • getAcceptedDataTypes

      List<Class<? extends State>> getAcceptedDataTypes()

      This method provides a list of all data types that can be used to update the item state

      Imagine e.g. a dimmer device: It's status could be 0%, 10%, 50%, 100%, but also OFF or ON and maybe UNDEFINED. So the accepted data types would be in this case PercentType, and UnDefType

      The order of data types denotes the order of preference. So in case a state needs to be converted in order to be accepted, it will be attempted to convert it to a type from top to bottom. Therefore the type with the least information loss should be on top of the list - in the example above the PercentType carries more information than the , hence it is listed first.

      a list of data types that can be used to update the item state
    • getAcceptedCommandTypes

      List<Class<? extends Command>> getAcceptedCommandTypes()

      This method provides a list of all command types that can be used for this item

      Imagine e.g. a dimmer device: You could ask it to dim to 0%, 10%, 50%, 100%, but also to turn OFF or ON. So the accepted command types would be in this case PercentType,

      a list of all command types that can be used for this item
    • getGroupNames

      List<String> getGroupNames()
      Returns a list of the names of the groups this item belongs to.
      list of item group names
    • getTags

      Set<String> getTags()
      Returns a set of tags. If the item is not tagged, an empty set is returned.
      set of tags.
    • getLabel

      @Nullable String getLabel()
      Returns the label of the item or null if no label is set.
      item label or null
    • hasTag

      boolean hasTag(String tag)
      Returns true if the item's tags contains the specific tag, otherwise false.
      tag - a tag whose presence in the item's tags is to be tested.
      true if the item's tags contains the specific tag, otherwise false.
    • getCategory

      @Nullable String getCategory()
      Returns the category of the item or null if no category is set.
      category or null
    • getStateDescription

      @Nullable StateDescription getStateDescription()
      Returns the first provided state description (uses the default locale). If options are defined on the channel, they are included in the returned state description.
      state description (can be null)
    • getStateDescription

      @Nullable StateDescription getStateDescription(@Nullable Locale locale)
      Returns the first provided state description for a given locale. If options are defined on the channel, they are included in the returned state description.
      locale - locale (can be null)
      state description (can be null)
    • getCommandDescription

      default @Nullable CommandDescription getCommandDescription()
      Returns the CommandDescription for this item. In case no dedicated CommandDescription is provided the StateOptions from the StateDescription will be served as valid CommandOptions.
      the CommandDescription for the default locale (can be null).
    • getCommandDescription

      @Nullable CommandDescription getCommandDescription(@Nullable Locale locale)
      Returns the CommandDescription for the given locale. In case no dedicated CommandDescription is provided the StateOptions from the StateDescription will be served as valid CommandOptions.
      locale - locale (can be null)
      command description (can be null)