Interface ItemRegistry

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@NonNullByDefault public interface ItemRegistry extends Registry<Item,String>
The ItemRegistry is the central place, where items are kept in memory and their state is permanently tracked. So any code that requires the current state of items should use this service (instead of trying to keep their own local copy of the items). Items are registered by ItemProviders, which can provision them from any source they like and also dynamically remove or add items.
Kai Kreuzer - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • getItem

      Item getItem(String name) throws ItemNotFoundException
      This method retrieves a single item from the registry.
      name - the item name
      the uniquely identified item
      ItemNotFoundException - if no item matches the input
    • getItemByPattern

      Item getItemByPattern(String name) throws ItemNotFoundException, ItemNotUniqueException
      This method retrieves a single item from the registry. Search patterns and shortened versions are supported, if they uniquely identify an item
      name - the item name, a part of the item name or a search pattern
      the uniquely identified item
      ItemNotFoundException - if no item matches the input
      ItemNotUniqueException - if multiply items match the input
    • getItems

      Collection<Item> getItems()
      This method retrieves all items that are currently available in the registry
      a collection of all available items
    • getItemsOfType

      Collection<Item> getItemsOfType(String type)
      This method retrieves all items with the given type
      type - item type as defined by ItemFactorys
      a collection of all items of the given type
    • getItems

      Collection<Item> getItems(String pattern)
      This method retrieves all items that match a given search pattern
      a collection of all items matching the search pattern
    • getItemsByTag

      Collection<Item> getItemsByTag(String... tags)
      Returns list of items which contains all of the given tags.
      tags - array of tags to be present on the returned items.
      list of items which contains all of the given tags.
    • getItemsByTagAndType

      Collection<Item> getItemsByTagAndType(String type, String... tags)
      Returns list of items with a certain type containing all of the given tags.
      type - item type as defined by ItemFactorys
      tags - array of tags to be present on the returned items.
      list of items which contains all of the given tags.
    • getItemsByTag

      <T extends Item> Collection<T> getItemsByTag(Class<T> typeFilter, String... tags)
      Returns list of items which contains all of the given tags.
      typeFilter - subclass of GenericItem to filter the resulting list for.
      tags - array of tags to be present on the returned items.
      list of items which contains all of the given tags, which is filtered by the given type filter.
    • remove

      @Nullable Item remove(String itemName, boolean recursive)
      See Also: